
Welcome to Des Moines Science Fiction & Fantasy Society, Inc.

DMSFFS does a wide range of activities and educational events. From a monthly movie to learning something new with our DemiCon Lites as well as our meetings, we invite you to join us.

Please contact us if you have an idea for the group, want to lead a DemiCon Lite or present at one of our meetings.

Return to in person meetings

We returned to having in person meetings for anyone who is comfortable doing so. We are also going to do our best (internet and technology allowing) to stream the meetings for anyone who wants to continue to join us virtually.

Check the calendar for details or updates.

Donate to DMSFFS

You can donate directly to DMSFFS online through our Square account.

To make an online donation visit

Donations to DMSFFS will be used to support our community events and education initiatives.

Want to send us a check instead? You can mail checks, payable to Des Moines Science Fication & Fantasy Society Inc, to our PO Box:

Des Moines Science Fiction & Fantasy Society, Inc.
PO Box 7572
Des Moines, IA 50323-7572

©2025 - Des Moines Science Fiction & Fantasy Society, Inc. All Rights Reserved.